Marshmallow Advertising

Paid Social Media Campaigns

We craft and execute targeted paid social media campaigns across various platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and more. Our strategies are tailored to reach the right audience, engage them effectively, and drive desired actions.

We’re not just a marketing company, we’re part of the team.


Reach new customers.

The average person spends over 2 hours of their leisure time on social media, which makes it a perfect way to get in front of a new audience.

During this time users are actively looking for new content, and because we know what your potential customer likes, and dislikes, we can give them something relevant and engaging to get excited about.

And there’s the hard bit – it doesn’t come easy but our talented creative team know just what buttons to push.

Audience Analysis

Understanding your audience is paramount. We conduct thorough research to identify your target demographic's preferences, behaviors, and online habits. This knowledge helps us optimize your campaigns for maximum impact.

Content Creation

Our skilled team of content creators, designers, and copywriters work collaboratively to produce visually captivating and compelling ad content. From eye-catching visuals to persuasive ad copy, we ensure your brand message resonates with your audience.

Ad Placement and Optimization

We strategically place your ads where they'll receive the most visibility and engagement. Through continuous monitoring and data analysis, we refine and optimize campaigns in real-time to ensure optimal results.

Analytics and Reporting

Transparency is the key. We provide regular, comprehensive reports that outline the performance of your campaigns. These insights help us refine strategies and demonstrate the value our services bring to your business.


We manage your ad budget efficiently, allocating funds to the most effective campaigns and adjusting as needed based on performance data.


increase in unique website users.


increase in unique website users.


increase in website enquiries.


increase in turnover, year on year.